Oil Painting
While most oil paintings were unfortunately destroyed through heat or moisture, several remain.
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Title Unknown. "Stewed Tomato Series" 22" x 22" late 1980's.

Title Unknown. "Stewed Tomato Series" 22" x 22" late 1980's.

Title Unknown. "Stewed Tomato Series" 22" x 22" late 1980's.

Title Unknown. "Stewed Tomato Series" 22" x 22" late 1980's.

Title Unknown. "Stewed Tomato Series" 22" x 22" late 1980's.

Title Unknown. 22" x 28" late 1980's.

NOT FOR SALE. Title Unknown. Part of the "This is Venice" show. 1974. 3' x 4'

Self Portrait 1972. 3' x 4'

"Margo and the Great American Novel" 1970 4' x 3'

"Robin Cohen" undated (early 1970's) 4' x 3'

Untitled, unsigned student work 24"x 18"

Untitled, unsigned student work. 30" x 18"

Untitled, unsigned student work

Title unknown. 54" x 36" 1970

Untitled - Not for Sale. Final finished work. Oil, 8' x 8'